A Testimony From Kim Boutahar
I want to thank you for dedicating your time and effort into producing a fine Hemp CBD oil. I have been using your product for nearly 2 months now and want to share with you a bit of my story.
I am a 62 year old wife, mother and grandmother. When I was just past my 40th birthday I was told I had an advancing arthritic condition that has affected my feet, knees, hips, spine, shoulders, arms and hands. In the beginning my pain was fairly tolerable on a daily basis only requiring occasional use of OTC medications, stretching and a few sessions of physical and massage therapy. As the years passed I began to gain weight from lack of activity due to my increasing pain and a diet that was built for emotional comfort rather than for nutritional needs. Not a good combination I am sure you'd agree. Because of this my joint deterioration began an escalation that lead me to require a couple of surgeries and the replacement of my left hip. I began to experience an elevation in my liver enzymes from using my heavy use of NSAID and Tylenol. Being determined not to allow myself to use Narcotic medications my quality of life and ability to walk, shop, clean my home, go up and down the stairs began a downward spiral. A fall last in November resulted in a painful 5 month process of healing and left me desperate to try anything to change the course of my life.
I had read about Hemp oil but had not seriously considered it as an option for me. My daughter told me of your product and I decided to make a leap of faith. I reasoned “Why not try it? What could I lose and perhaps I have something to gain?”
As instructed my use began slowly and I was fairly sensitive to the oil. My immediate response to it was a feeling of fatigue when I used it. I could fall asleep standing up within 15 minutes of taking only 3 drops of oil. I had to be cautious to use it only when I knew I was going to sleep. But wow, such blissful sleep! It had been at least 15 years since I had not awakened from pain when moving in my sleep. After just a few days I had a renewed energy from the excellent quality of sleep and length of hours I was experiencing. As the days became a couple weeks I began to be able to increase my dose to 5drops 3 times a day. My sleep was still amazing, but I was no longer worried about not being able to drive or function after I had used the product. I began to notice I was able to be active for longer periods of time, climb stairs with confidence, do some simple gardening.. in essence, I felt my life begin to be more like it was before I was so affected by this disease.
I have made changes with my diet, trying to decrease not only my weight but also the catalysts that cause inflammation. I bought some new clothes, a new hair cut, a new way of feeling. I look in the mirror now and instead of seeing masked pain I see hope. A hope and a future.
I know this is lengthy and I am sorry, but I feel a little bit like a rags to riches story regarding my health and pain management and truly feel your CBD product has given me the beginning of a brighter future. I am eager to see how the next months unfold and believe there will be higher ground to gain!
Thank you. Very sincerely thank you.
A faithful customer,Kim BoutaharMichigan

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